Designed, developed and coordinated the World Bank’s Safe Schools Initiative. Raised the priority of violence prevention in and around school in the World Bank (WB)’s Education portfolio to ensure that all students feel safe to learn, resulting in having Safe and Inclusive Schools as one of the five pillars of the WB’s Education Strategy.
Served as Lead Violence Prevention Specialist in the core team of the Fragility, Conflict and Violence (FCV) Strategy, producing the technical guidance and strategic positioning on interpersonal violence prevention for the World Bank moving forward. This included focusing on the continuum of violence and linking up violence prevention to the Bank’s Human Capital Strategy and the Urban Development Strategy to mainstream violence prevention in a gradual and effective way.
Led the Violence Prevention and the Safe and Inclusive Cities Communities of Practice. Coordinated collaboration and developed networking opportunities for more than 130 staff members in eight sectors at the WB (Education, Transport, Governance, Social Protection, Health, Urban Development, Housing, Private Sector Development) to promote violence prevention within Bank’s activities. Designed and delivered high-level capacity building events on violence prevention, including two technical deep dives on safe, inclusive and resilient cities in Japan gathering respectively 10 and 12 country delegations from around the world. Provided technical guidance on violence prevention (violence against children, gender-based violence, and youth violence) to teams on cross-cutting issues (refugees, internally displaced persons).