The role of teachers in ending school violence and bullying

Authored by Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director General Education, UNESCO; Antara Ganguli, Director, UNGEI Secretariat; Chloë Fèvre, Director Safe to Learn; James O’Higgins Norman, UNESCO Chair on Bullying and Cyberbullying, Dublin City University The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said at the Transforming Education Summit “Schools of the future need to be more inclusive, safe, healthy and…

Highlights from the Solutions Side Event – Safe: Preventing Gender-Based Violence in and Through Schools

On June 17, Together for Girls and partners hosted a Solutions Summit side event, Safe: Preventing Gender-Based Violence in and Through Schools. The event was convened with UNGEI and Safe to Learn, in collaboration with Global Affairs Canada, USAID, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the Global Partnership for Education, the Forum for African Women…


Preventing corporal punishment and violence in schools is critical for children’s development and academic achievement, and a smart investment

Corporal punishment remains widespread. According to the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, globally, 4 in 5 children aged 2-14 are subjected to corporal punishment and 86 percent of the world’s children are not protected from corporal punishment by law. Most instances of corporal punishment take place at home, but the practice also remains…

Lessons from five citizens security projects - International Development Bank

The Implementation Challenge: Lessons From Five Citizen Security Projects

Successful implementation is necessary for projects and programs to be effective. In this comparative project evaluation, OVE analyzes the effectiveness of the implementation strategy of five IDB-supported citizen security projects in Central America and the Caribbean. The evaluation uses evidence and best practices from implementation research, multisectoral work, and donor supervision as evaluative benchmarks. The…